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Posted: Aug 13, 2021 7:59:24 pm

Ringing the wanker bell

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When I saw this video regarding the coronavirus treatment (yes this is satire) showing the shaman and this woman smacking the Bell. There seems to be a bell tide to a string. And the string is also tide to the mans penis. It seemed pretty (funny / silly). To many this ritual would seem ridiculous.

And unless one was on some kind of a psychedelic drug (not in their right mind) Most people would not likely take part in this kind ritual.

Many see the Hyperbolic parallel between this video and the way the people running this clown show (the world as we know it) are acting. 

The coronavirus it would seem obvious probably to many people (by this time) that there's an agenda, people are being coerced by the president by governors by peoples religions, local governments (world wide deep state) to get this vaccination like it's the only solution to the problem. From my perspective I don't believe there is a problem. Yeah somebody's directing this orchestrating all this that's obvious to me.

People need to do there own research. Take for example just one. Dr David Martin PHD.

I have seen many of the videos that he has put on line I've seen about 5 that convinced me that this Covid crap is BS!!! David names names and spells it all out.

And he is just one source, There are hundreds of additional sources ( that I have personalty looked into, that show the same thing. Its all Bull *censor*.

Anyway people will believe what every they chose to believe. Everyone has right to make their own choice.  Also the perspective of people changes over time. I also believe that people have the right to make their own decisions regardless of weather (we / I)  believes they are right or wrong. 

In the bible someone asked what was the most important commandment. Jesus said love God with your whole heart and mind and to love your neighbor as your self. I think that pretty much sums it up. 

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